
Twitter’s underrated Lists feature finally gets some attention

Lists have never gotten the attention they deserve. A feature largely adopted by Twitter power users, lists allow you to create custom timelines by adding only those users whose tweets you want to track. And this can be done without having to also follow those Twitter accounts, which keeps your main timeline clutter-free. But the Twitter Lists feature has always been somewhat buried in Twitter’s interface — at least until now. The company today announced it’s testing a way to make lists easier to access, by relocating them only a swipe away from your home screen. According to a tweet shared today, Twitter has been thinking about how to make lists easier to get to. “One idea we had is for you to be able to swipe to your lists from home,” the company explained, followed by a request for feedback. If you’ve been added to the test, your home timeline will now show dashed lines across the top for each list — a familiar design for anyone who’s ever used Snapchat or Instagram Stor